To scale, Internship On Demand wants to create a B2B platform, specifically for hiring managers, within their website to facilitate professional relationships with college students and get them into the hiring pipeline.


UX Research & Designer


Competitive Analysis, User Interviews, Kano Analysis, High Fidelity Wireframes, Design Systems


Figma, FigJam, Photoshop, GoogleSheets, GoogleDocs, Zoom, Pen & Paper

Feature proposal

Read about my findings here.

present/future journey map

Review my user map here.


Find out how each element works here.

For many college students, the process of getting an internship can feel overwhelming.

To prepare students for entering the workforce, Internship On Demand (IOD) created a pre-internship program where young freshmen and sophomore students receive support and resources before accepting an internship with a business.

After two years of operating, iod needed to scale its system.

IOD had proven its concept of preparing students for professional internships. However, to stay competitive, IOD needed to scale its business by building a platform for its hiring managers to manage, organize, and recruit students.


As a solution, I created high-fidelity design features such as a (1) Search and Discovery tool, (2) Application Process tool, and (3) Candidate Organization and Chat tool. All of these tools were created after a deep analysis of user expectations and feedback.


To understand our client’s problems, we performed a competitive analysis, identifying value propositions, flows, UI elements, and other key features.


We created present user journey maps to identify user pain points. From the pain points, we created over 20 feature concepts.


With user interviews and conducting a kano analysis, we determined the top 3-5 user features and created high-fidelity wireframes along with a future user journey map.



All 4 users liked the candidate organization tool, stating that they “LOVE THIS!!!! We do so much work right now trying to do this in excel. Such a time saver and easy way for everyone involved to know where we're at.”


All 4 users like the comments and chat tool, stating that “This seems very useful... so much hiring, especially at bigger companies is done through team based hiring with multiple people involved in the hiring decision.”


2/4 users expected the search and discovery tool while the other two liked the feature and felt neutral if not in the software.


Low-Fi sketches

Search & discovery tool

Users indicated that this feature was a must-have.

Hiring managers expect a search feature that includes the necessary filters to efficiently search for candidates. Hiring managers can search by employment type, major, skills values, schools, and locations. The (+) and (-) signs are includers and excluders that will help hiring managers refine their searches.

In addition, I also included a discover feature. Nowadays, hiring managers are expected to hire a diverse pool of candidates. The discover feature will allow hiring managers to “discover” new talent that has just joined IOD and may not have to opportunity to show up on the narrow searches made by hiring managers. This feature will be native to the discover page and will continue to display when hiring managers are scrolling through candidates. Discovering new talent is an equitability tool for discovering new users.

*IOD does not have this feature. All of the design elements were created by me.

Application Process tool

Users indicated that this feature was a must-have.

Based on user interviews, a tracking system was an expected feature for recruitment software.

I designed a tool for hiring managers to track employment types. Hiring managers are able to move candidates’ profiles based on their hiring process. Not only are candidates organized in sections, but the colors on each candidate’s card signify where they are in the hiring process.

Above the fold, candidates that were favored in the search and discovery feature will display here. The hiring manager has the option to exit candidates to see the next one. This feature will continue to display candidates until they’re unfavored or moved into the hiring process.

Below are key insights, this tool provides accountability for businesses and their hiring goals.

*IOD does not have this feature. All of the design elements were created by me.

Candidate organization & chat tool

Users indicated that this feature was a must-have.

Hiring Managers expect recruitment platforms to have features that include the organizing of candidates, and the capability of making comments on candidate profiles.

Within the feature I created, Hiring Managers may organize candidates by employment type. All candidates will be displayed within their own card, as soon as users click the top right arrow on the candidate’s card, their profile will emerge with information including their resumes, activities, portfolio, documents, and comments.

Each candidate card displays when the candidate applied to the position and the last time a team member made a comment.

Above the fold, an activities widget allows hiring managers to like a piece of history and see what team members are up to. Another widget included is the discover new talent widget which will continue to display based on hiring managers’ search algorithms in the Discover tab.

For key insights, this widget provides hiring managers with comprehensive reports of who they’re hiring.

“LOVE THIS!!!! We do so much work right now trying to do this in excel. Such a time saver and an easy way for everyone involved to know where we're at. “ - Kano Analysis Participant referring to the candidate organization feature

*IOD does not have this feature. All of the design elements were created by me.

  1. Conducted research to understand similar solutions/offerings.

  2. Proposed design solutions through rapid prototypes and refined prototypes through rapid evaluation methods.

  3. Prototyped meaningful changes to the functionality, interactions, and visual design of a digital product.

key learnings


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